Meet the lecturers and their lectures


Christoph Hanisch

Dr. Christoph Hanisch has worked in different capacities for the department Corporate Research and Technology of Festo AG & Co. KG.  He has earned his academic degrees from the University of Düsseldorf in Mathematics and in Applied Physics. His PhD, research in micro magnetism, laid for him the foundation for his work at Festo where he was responsible for Future Technologies for a longer period. Fields of interest were sensor technology, MEMS devices and production system architecture. He was involved in coordinating his company’s efforts in European research activities. Since his retirement he works as an independent consultant.

He has given strong contributions to the European ManuFuture Technology Platform which has supported the European Commission in shaping research programs for production technology (Factory of the Future) and for reinforcing manufacturing in Europe. This work aims at overcoming difficulties in Europe’s value creation process, a process that determines the standard of living for the next generation.

Industrial Keynote Speaker

  1. Humans the next generation mechatronic devices for Industry 4.0?

“I think in decentralized control one has to be aware of the decision mechanisms. Control is granted to other parts of the system without any condition. If one understands these mechanisms they can be applied not only to technical systems but also to organizations and administrations. This could lead to improved conditions for employing people, more people instead of less. At the same time there is a research approach to improve the situation of humans in manufacturing by regarding them basically as an asset that needs mock up by augmented reality, by psychometric measurements, by some additional controllers and/or by improvement of the ergonomic environment. I want to draw the students’ attention to the fact that they for themselves have to take an active decision what road to follow for themselves in their respective work and what consequences this may have.”


Stamatis Karnouskos

Stamatis Karnouskos is a Research Expert on Internet of Things with SAP, Karlsruhe, Germany. He investigates the added value of integrating networked embedded devices and enterprise systems. For almost 20 years, he has led efforts in several European Commission and industry funded projects related to cyber–physical systems, industrial informatics, smart grids, data science, software agents, security, and mobility. He has recently published several books, including “From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence” (Elsevier, 2014), “Industrial Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems: The IMC-AESOP Approach” (Springer, 2014), and “Industrial Agents: Emerging Applications of Software Agents in Industry” (Elsevier, 2015).

Industrial Keynote Speaker

  1. Towards the IoT Data-Driven Enterprise

Towards the IoT Data-Driven Enterprise – Modern enterprises need to be agile and dynamically support decision making processes at several levels. To achieve that, critical information acquired from the field as well as intra- and inter-organizational business processes need to be available at the right point in a timely manner, and in the right form. Collecting and processing huge amounts of data is therefore in the core of the emerging industrial infrastructure. Especially with the emergence of Cyber-Physical Systems, Service Oriented Architectures, the Cloud, and Big Data, the way enterprise applications and services are designed, developed, and utilized is drastically changing. The lecture will provide insights on these emerging technologies, their challenges and their application in industrial automation and smart grids.


Luis Ribeiro

Luís Ribeiro received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the New University of Lisbon in 2012 and he is currently a Lecturer at Linköping’s University, Sweden, at the Department of Management and Engineering/Division of Manufacturing Engineering. He has participated in several international research projects from the 6th, 7th and H2020 European Research Programmes, and several Portuguese national projects focusing in intelligent automation and plug and produce systems. He is currently the principal investigator from LiU in the H2020 project OpenMos – Open Dynamic Manufacturing Operating System for Smart Plug and‐Produce Automation
Components. His main research areas include: design, development and implementation of intelligent manufacturing systems based in cyber-physical components, distributed architectures to support intelligent systems (MAS and SOA) and self-organization and emergence in manufacturing. His interests in these areas are in monitoring/diagnosis, control and reconfiguration. He is a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Industrial Agents (IEEE Industrial Electronics Society), IEEE Technical Committee on Cybernetics for Intelligent Industrial Systems and a member of the expert group on flexible processes of the Swedish Production 2030 initiative. He has more than 50 publications in high impact Journals and Conference proceedings and has served several times as an IPC member of several international conferences.

Lectured Modules at ISSIAA2016

  1. Introductory course – Introduction to the JAVA programming language to support the basics of agent programming (Thursday the 9th of June).
  2. Introductory course – Introduction to Agent programming with JADE (Friday the 10th of June).
  3. Starting Track – Design, Deployment and Development of Agent-based Production Systems (Monday the 13th of June).
  4. Advanced Track – Advanced aspects of agent to legacy system integration (Monday the 13th of June).


Amro M. Farid

Prof. Amro M. Farid received his Sc. B. in 2000 and his Sc. M. 2002 from the MIT Mechanical Engineering Department. He went onto complete his Ph.D. degree at the Institute for Manufacturing within the University of Cambridge (UK) Engineering Department in 2007. He has varied industrial experiences from the automotive, semiconductor, defense, chemical, and manufacturing sectors. In 2010, He began his academic career at the Engineering Systems & Management department at the Masdar Institute of Science & Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He is currently an Associate Professor of Engineering at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth and leads the Laboratory for Intelligent Integrated Networks of Engineering Systems  (LIINES).  The laboratory maintains an active research program in:

  • Smart Power Grids
  • Energy-Water Nexus
  • Energy-Transportation Nexus
  • Industrial Energy Management & Demand Response
  • Sustainable Systems

He is also a Research Affiliate at the MIT Mechanical Engineering Department. He has made active contributions to the MIT-Masdar Institute Collaborative Initiative, the MIT Future of the Electricity Grid Study, and the IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Controls. He currently serves on the Executive Committee for the Council of Engineering Systems Universities (CESUN) and the Executive Committee for Axiomatic Design. He is a senior member of the IEEE and holds leadership positions in the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Technical Committee on Smart Grids, and the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics (SMC) Technical Committee on Cybernetics for Intelligent Industrial Systems. He is also a member of the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Distributed Intelligent Systems, the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Technical Committee on Industrial Agents, and the ASME Dynamics Systems & Control Division.

Research Interests:

  • Modeling of Dynamics Systems
  • Graph Theory
  • Systems Engineering/Design Methodologies for Large Complex Systems
  • Control Systems Engineering
  • Operations Management & Research
  • Technology Policy

Lectured Modules at ISSIAA2016

  1. Advanced Track – Axiomatic Design of Large and Complex Industrial Systems (Tuesday the 14th of June)


José Barata

José Barata is a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the New University of Lisbon and a senior researcher of the UNINOVA Institute. He has a PhD degree in Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing since 2004 from the New University of Lisbon. Dr. Barata has participated in more than 15 International Research projects involving different programmes (NMP, IST, ITEA, ESPRIT). Since 2004 he has been leading the UNINOVA participation in EU projects, namely EUPASS, Self-Learning, IDEAS, PRIME, RIVERWATCH, ROBO-PARTNER and PROSECO. His main research interests are in the area of Intelligent Manufacturing with particular focus on Complex Adaptive Systems, involving intelligent manufacturing devices. In the last years, Dr. Barata has participated actively researching SOA based approaches for the implementation of Intelligent Manufacturing Devices (e.g. within the Inlife project). He has published over 100 original papers in international journals and international conferences. He is a member of the IEEE technical committees on Industrial Agents (IES), Self-Organisation and Cybernetics for Informatics (SMC), and Education in Engineering and Industrial Technologies (IES). He is also a member of the IFAC technical committee 4.4 (Cost Oriented Automation).

Lectured Modules at ISSIAA2016

  1. Starting Track – Introduction to Ontologies in a Production Context (Monday the 13th of June)


Paulo Leitão

Paulo Leitão is Professor at IPB and head of the Department of Electrical Engineering of that institute. He is member of the International Program Committee (IPC) of several international scientific events, has published more than 150 papers in high-ranked international scientific journals and conference proceedings (per-review), and co-author of three patents. He received four paper awards at INCOM’06, BASYS’06 and IEEE INDIN’10 and INFOCOMP’13. He served as co-chair of several international conferences, namely IFAC IMS’10, HoloMAS’11 and SOHOMA’16.

He has participated in several national and international research projects (such as EU FP 7 ARUM, EU FP7 GRACE and H2020 PERFoRM), and Networks of Excellence. His research interests are in the field of intelligent and collaborative production systems, multi-agent systems, holonic control, reconfigurable factory automation, cyber-physical systems and bio-inspiration engineering.

He was chair of the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents (2010-2015).

Lectured Modules at ISSIAA2016

  1. Starting Track – Industrial Agents (Tuesday the 14th) -The objective of this module is to provide an introduction to the main concepts of agent-based systems and holonic systems, as well as the technologies and frameworks to develop such systems. A special attention will be devoted to the development of practical agent-based applications using the JADE framework following a project-based learning.In detail, topics of this course comprise:
    • Introduction to multi-agent systems: definition of agent and multi-agent systems, agent architectures, modeling individual behaviors, interaction protocols, ontologies, etc.
    • Frameworks to develop agent-based solutions: functionalities of agent-based frameworks, existing frameworks, introduction to the JADE framework
    • Implementation of a practical example in the JADE framework – step by step with guidance of students
    • Implementation of more advanced functionalities in the practical example
  2. Advanced Track – Agent-based modelling and Simulation (Monday the 13th of June) -The objective of this module is to provide hands-on knowledge on agent-based modelling and simulation tools (ABMs), which are used to model and simulate complex systems that evolve over time. For this purpose, this module includes an introduction to ABMs tools, and will use the NetLogo tool to develop practical examples of such systems, particularly in manufacturing domain.In detail, topics of this course comprise:
    • Introduction to ABMs: Definition, objectives, agent-based model, simulation, notion of time in simulation, brief description of existing ABMs tools.
    • Introduction to NetLogo: navigation in the tool, notion of turtles, patches and links in Netlogo, illustration of a simple example.
    • Implementation of a practical example in NetLogo; step by step with guidance of students.
    • Implementation of more advanced functionalities in the practical example.


José Barbosa

José Barbosa has a PhD in Automation and Computer Science from the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis (France) and a MSc in Industrial Engineering at IPB. He is a senior researcher at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, participating in several European funded projects, namely in the EU FP7 ARUM, in the EU FP7 GRACE project and in the EU H2020 PERFoRM. He is also an invited professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. José Barbosa has more than 30 papers published at international journals and proceedings of international conferences. His main research topics focus on the development of self-organizing and evolvable manufacturing control architectures following the holonic and multi-agent system paradigms enriched with biological inspired mechanisms, particularly applied into Cyber-Physical Systems. He is also member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Industrial Agents.

Lectured Modules at ISSIAA2016

  1. Advanced Track (together with Paulo Leitã0) – Agent-based modelling and Simulation (Monday the 13th of June) – Please see lecture description in Paulo Leitão’s lectures.


Thomas Strasser

Thomas Strasser earned a PhD in mechanical engineering with a focus on automation and control theory and a master’s degree in industrial engineering with a focus on production and automation systems from the Vienna University of Technology.

For several years, he has been a senior scientist in the Energy Department of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. His main responsibilities involve strategic development of smart grid research projects and mentoring and advising junior scientist and PhD candidates. Before joining AIT, Dr. Strasser spent more than 6 years as a senior researcher investigating advanced and reconfigurable automation and control systems at PROFACTOR. He is active as a lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology and as guest professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg.

Dr. Strasser has co-authored more than 120 scientific publications (editorials, book chapters, conference papers, and journal articles) and was awarded 2 patents in his areas of interest. He is an active participant in IEEE conferences and serves as an associate editor of Springer and IEEE journals. He is also a senior member of IEEE and a founding member of the 4DIAC open source initiative and involved in IEC SC65B/WG15, IEC TC65/WG17, and IEC SyC Smart Energy/WG6.

Lectured Modules at ISSIAA2016


The automation level in the manufacturing domain, power and energy systems as well as logistics applications increase steadily resulting in a higher system complexity. Actuators, sensors, and control devices from different vendors have to work together with supervisory control and management systems, often in heterogeneous communication environments. The management and automation software used in these areas has to deal more and more with a complex structure of distributed and autonomously acting devices.

Recent trends in research and development indicate that such devices used in industrial environments are becoming increasingly intelligent so that they can perform tasks autonomously. They are usually equipped with computing resources. In order to master the complexity of such highly interconnected and collaborative devices which can be considered as “Distributed Intelligent Systems”, advanced methods and concepts encompassing their life cycle of planning/engineering, operation, and reconfiguration/adaptation are needed. A key technology for this next generation distributed automation and control systems is the reference model definition introduced by IEC 61499.

  1. Starting Track – Designing and implementing field level agents with IEC 61499 (Tuesday the 14th of June) – This lecture deals with the introduction of the basics of the IEC 61499 standard for distributed automation, as well as the usage of the open source package 4DIAC for modelling IEC 61499 applications in industrial systems.
  2. Advanced Track – Advanced topics in field level agents (Tuesday the 14th of June) – In this lecture a comprehensive overview of the IEC 61499 standard will be provided with a main focus on reconfigurability on the field level as well as the discussion of implemented scenarios in industry and research.


Birgit Vogel-Heuser

Professor Vogel-Heuser (b. 1961) conducts research on the development and system evolution of distributed intelligent embedded systems in mechatronic products and production systems, with the aim of improving product quality, the efficiency and consistency of engineering activities and operational availability. She develops methods, descriptive aids and tools for integrating the various perspectives of mechatronic systems (mechanical, electrical/electronic and software) and phases in the life cycle and their interactions. Key non-functional requirements are real-time behavior, modularity, availability and usability. Her research projects range from fundamental research in automation technology to the derivation of requirements from industrial applications and the development of prototype tools. After graduating in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH), Prof. Vogel-Heuser earned her doctorate degree there (1990) in the area of robot programming in mechanical engineering. She acquired industrial experience over a ten year period, including a position as Engineering Director for the Siempelkamp Group (systems engineering). After various professorships (Hagen 1996; Wuppertal 2000; Kassel 2006), she assumed a professorship in the Department of Automation and Information Systems (formerly: Department of Information Technology) at TUM (2009). More information

Lectured Modules at ISSIAA2016

  1. Starting Track – Model-driven Engineering and implementation of field level agents with IEC61131-3 (Wednesday the 15th of June)
  2. Advanced Track – Advanced Aspects on Model-driven Engineering and implementation of field level agents with IEC61131-3 (Wednesday the 15th of June)